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Papua New Guinea: Support for the family apostolate in the diocese of Wabag
Papua New Guinea is the largest and most populous country in Oceania. It also has one of the most rich...
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Help to establish a branch of the St John Paul II Youth Pastoral Centre for the region of northern Bosnia
In 2015 the Pope John Paul II Youth Pastoral Centre was first established in Sarajevo, the capital of the state...
One year formation course for young people in Cotonou, Benin
As many popes and saints have told us, whoever wants to change the world must first start with his own heart....
Togo: Support for the Catholic Family Life Federation
The „Fédération Africaine d’Action Familiale“ (FAAF, or African Family Life Federation) is an initiative for the support of healthy families...
Ethiopia. Support for the youth apostolate in the Archdiocese of Addis Abeba
The youth apostolate is a major priority of the Archdiocese of Addis Abeba, for the challenges facing young people in...
Education is the key to peaceful coexistence among those of conflicting beliefs
“In principio erat Verbum – in the beginning was the Word; at the origin of everything is the creative reason...