Papua New Guinea in 2018

Number of projects in 2018
Type of projects in 2018
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Papua New Guinea is the largest and most populous state in Oceania. The country has one of the most diverse ecosystems on earth and a myriad of different cultures with around 830 languages. Most of the approximately 8 million inhabitants profess Christianity, and about half are Catholics. Many people feel left behind and uprooted by the country’s rapid technological progress. ACN supports the local Church with numerous support measures, mainly for family pastoral care. The Church is also active with social initiatives to strengthen people psychologically and to anchor them more deeply in the faith.

Many people in Papua New Guinea feel unable to cope with the rapid changes brought about by digitalisation and globalisation. Social uprooting, a high level of crime, drug and alcohol addiction, domestic violence and child abuse are often the consequences. Additionally, the Catholic Church in Papua New Guinea has only been in place for a few generations, so it is often not yet deeply rooted. Here people often lack faith as a dependable support system. For this reason, the Catholic Church is focusing more and more on family pastoral care and social initiatives, so that people do not feel left alone in facing the mounting challenges and can envision a future for themselves. ACN supports the local Church in these activities.

A priest visiting sick people in a hospital.
A priest visiting sick people in a hospital.

» Those who have been uprooted need faith as a reliable means of support. «

Once again, we supported an extensive pastoral programme in the diocese of Wabag that will be carried out over a period of three years. Most of the faithful there live in a mountainous region, which is difficult to access. Thirteen committees of the diocese organise pastoral and social initiatives in the parishes which cover nearly all the areas of daily life. They also guide the faithful so that they can continue the projects independently in the future. Deepening the faith and improving the actual circumstances of life thus go hand in hand. In addition, we were able to purchase new vehicles for pastoral care for several dioceses in the country and support needy priests with Mass stipends.